Group leader: Lukasz Rudnicki
The aim of the group is to explore intersections of quantum optics, quantum thermodynamics and open system dynamics. The group’s research interests lay within standard quantum optics, currently, looked at from the perspective of open quantum systems and thermodynamics. We also extensively collaborate with experimental groups concerned with quantum technologies, with emphasis recently put on metrology.
Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Optics
Among various topics of our interest there are: bosonic systems at a mesoscopic scale, open quantum evolution of Gaussian systems, limitations concerning quantum batteries, non-Markovian dynamics, interplays between work and coherence, as well as potential thermodynamic advantages of indefinite causal order.
Quantum Metrology
We coordinate the QuantERA project “Application-ready superresolution in space and frequency” (ApresSF), and take part in Horizon 2020, FET Open project “Spectral-Temporal Metrology with Tailored Quantum Measurements” (Stormytune). Both projects are devoted to superresolution in quantum metrology.
Keywords: open system dynamics, quantum optics, indefinite causal order, quantum metrology.
Group members

Former members
Shahana Aziz (student in 2021-2024), Nina Megier (post-doc in 2022), Tomasz Linowski (PhD sudent in 2019-2023), Stefano Cusumano (post-doc in 2020-2023), Fattah Sakuldee (post-doc in 2020-2023)
- Tomasz Linowski, Łukasz Rudnicki, and Clemens Gneiting. Spectral stabilizability. Physical Review A, 107(4), 2023. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.107.042218
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2023, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Rudnicki, Łukasz and Gneiting, Clemens}, title ="{Spectral stabilizability}", year = {2023}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {107}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.107.042218}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Tomasz Linowski, Konrad Schlichtholz, Giacomo Sorelli, Manuel Gessner, Mattia Walschaers, Nicolas Treps, and Łukasz Rudnicki. Application range of crosstalk-affected spatial demultiplexing for resolving separations between unbalanced sources. New Journal of Physics, 25(10), 2023. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ad0173
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2023aa, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Schlichtholz, Konrad and Sorelli, Giacomo and Gessner, Manuel and Walschaers, Mattia and Treps, Nicolas and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Application range of crosstalk-affected spatial demultiplexing for resolving separations between unbalanced sources}", year = {2023}, journal = {New Journal of Physics}, volume = {25}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/ad0173}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Fattah Sakuldee and Łukasz Rudnicki. Bounds on the breaking time for entanglement-breaking channels. Physical Review A, 107(2), 2023. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.107.022430
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Sakuldee2023, author = {Sakuldee, Fattah and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Bounds on the breaking time for entanglement-breaking channels}", year = {2023}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {107}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.107.022430}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- T. Linowski and Ł. Rudnicki. Classicality of the Bogoliubov Transformations and the Dynamical Casimir Effect Through the Reduced State of the Field. Acta Physica Polonica A, 143(6):S95 – S106, 2023. doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.143.S95
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2023S95, author = {Linowski, T. and Rudnicki, Ł.}, title ="{Classicality of the Bogoliubov Transformations and the Dynamical Casimir Effect Through the Reduced State of the Field}", year = {2023}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica A}, volume = {143}, number = {6}, pages = {S95 – S106}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.143.S95}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Bronze Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Tomasz Linowski, Konrad Schlichtholz, and Łukasz Rudnicki. Formal relation between Pegg-Barnett and Paul quantum phase frameworks. Physical Review A, 107(3), 2023. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.107.033707
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2023ab, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Schlichtholz, Konrad and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Formal relation between Pegg-Barnett and Paul quantum phase frameworks}", year = {2023}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {107}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.107.033707}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Paweł Horodecki, Łukasz Rudnicki, and Karol Zyczkowski. Five Open Problems in Quantum Information Theory. PRX Quantum, 3(1), 2022. doi:10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.010101
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Horodecki2022, author = {Horodecki, Paweł and Rudnicki, Łukasz and Zyczkowski, Karol}, title ="{Five Open Problems in Quantum Information Theory}", year = {2022}, journal = {PRX Quantum}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.010101}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 23; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Thais L. Silva, Łukasz Rudnicki, Daniel S. Tasca, and Stephen P. Walborn. Discretized continuous quantum-mechanical observables that are neither continuous nor discrete. Physical Review Research, 4(1), 2022. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013060
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Silva2022, author = {Silva, Thais L. and Rudnicki, Łukasz and Tasca, Daniel S. and Walborn, Stephen P.}, title ="{Discretized continuous quantum-mechanical observables that are neither continuous nor discrete}", year = {2022}, journal = {Physical Review Research}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013060}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Łukasz Rudnicki. GEOPHYSICS AND STUART VORTICES ON A SPHERE MEET DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 21(7):2479 – 2493, 2022. doi:10.3934/cpaa.2022075
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Rudnicki20222479, author = {Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{GEOPHYSICS AND STUART VORTICES ON A SPHERE MEET DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY}", year = {2022}, journal = {Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis}, volume = {21}, number = {7}, pages = {2479 – 2493}, doi = {10.3934/cpaa.2022075}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Bronze Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Fattah Sakuldee, Philip Taranto, and Simon Milz. Connecting commutativity and classicality for multitime quantum processes. Physical Review A, 106(2), 2022. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.106.022416
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Sakuldee2022, author = {Sakuldee, Fattah and Taranto, Philip and Milz, Simon}, title ="{Connecting commutativity and classicality for multitime quantum processes}", year = {2022}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {106}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.106.022416}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Stefano Cusumano. Quantum Collision Models: A Beginner Guide. Entropy, 24(9), 2022. doi:10.3390/e24091258
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Cusumano2022, author = {Cusumano, Stefano}, title ="{Quantum Collision Models: A Beginner Guide}", year = {2022}, journal = {Entropy}, volume = {24}, number = {9}, doi = {10.3390/e24091258}, OTurl = {}, type = {Review}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 5; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Tomasz Linowski and Łukasz Rudnicki. Reduced state of the field and classicality of quantum Gaussian evolution. Physical Review A, 106(6), 2022. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.106.062204
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2022, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Reduced state of the field and classicality of quantum Gaussian evolution}", year = {2022}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {106}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.106.062204}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Fattah Sakuldee and Łukasz Cywiński. Statistics of projective measurement on a quantum probe as a witness of noncommutativity of algebra of a probed system. Quantum Information Processing, 21(7), 2022. doi:10.1007/s11128-022-03576-9
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Sakuldee2022aa, author = {Sakuldee, Fattah and Cywiński, Łukasz}, title ="{Statistics of projective measurement on a quantum probe as a witness of noncommutativity of algebra of a probed system}", year = {2022}, journal = {Quantum Information Processing}, volume = {21}, number = {7}, doi = {10.1007/s11128-022-03576-9}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 3; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Klaus Liegener and Lukasz Rudnicki. Quantum speed limit and stability of coherent states in quantum gravity. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39(12), 2022. doi:10.1088/1361-6382/ac6faa
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Liegener2022, author = {Liegener, Klaus and Rudnicki, Lukasz}, title ="{Quantum speed limit and stability of coherent states in quantum gravity}", year = {2022}, journal = {Classical and Quantum Gravity}, volume = {39}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1088/1361-6382/ac6faa}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Tomasz Linowski, Alexander Teretenkov, and Łukasz Rudnicki. Dissipative evolution of quantum Gaussian states. Physical Review A, 106(5), 2022. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.106.052206
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2022aa, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Teretenkov, Alexander and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Dissipative evolution of quantum Gaussian states}", year = {2022}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {106}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.106.052206}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 4; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Łukasz Rudnicki and Stephen P. Walborn. Entropic uncertainty relations for mutually unbiased periodic coarse-grained observables resembling their discrete counterparts. Physical Review A, 104(4), 2021. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.104.042210
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Rudnicki2021, author = {Rudnicki, Łukasz and Walborn, Stephen P.}, title ="{Entropic uncertainty relations for mutually unbiased periodic coarse-grained observables resembling their discrete counterparts}", year = {2021}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {104}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.104.042210}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 3; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Stefano Cusumano and Łukasz Rudnicki. Comment on “fluctuations in Extractable Work Bound the Charging Power of Quantum Batteries”. Physical Review Letters, 127(2), 2021. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.028901
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Cusumano2021, author = {Cusumano, Stefano and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Comment on "fluctuations in Extractable Work Bound the Charging Power of Quantum Batteries"}", year = {2021}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = {127}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.028901}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 4; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Łukasz Rudnicki. Quantum speed limit and geometric measure of entanglement. Physical Review A, 104(3), 2021. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.104.032417
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Rudnicki2021aa, author = {Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Quantum speed limit and geometric measure of entanglement}", year = {2021}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {104}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.104.032417}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 9; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Klaus Liegener and Łukasz Rudnicki. Algorithmic approach to cosmological coherent state expectation values in loop quantum gravity. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38(20), 2021. doi:10.1088/1361-6382/ac226f
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Liegener2021, author = {Liegener, Klaus and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Algorithmic approach to cosmological coherent state expectation values in loop quantum gravity}", year = {2021}, journal = {Classical and Quantum Gravity}, volume = {38}, number = {20}, doi = {10.1088/1361-6382/ac226f}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 5; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Tomasz Linowski, Clemens Gneiting, and Łukasz Rudnicki. Stabilizing entanglement in two-mode Gaussian states. Physical Review A, 102(4), 2020. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.102.042405
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2020, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Gneiting, Clemens and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, title ="{Stabilizing entanglement in two-mode Gaussian states}", year = {2020}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {102}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.102.042405}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 9; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Simon Milz, Fattah Sakuldee, Felix A. Pollock, and Kavan Modi. Kolmogorov extension theorem for (quantum) causal modelling and general probabilistic theories. Quantum, 4, 2020. doi:10.22331/q-2020-04-20-255
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Milz2020, author = {Milz, Simon and Sakuldee, Fattah and Pollock, Felix A. and Modi, Kavan}, title ="{Kolmogorov extension theorem for (quantum) causal modelling and general probabilistic theories}", year = {2020}, journal = {Quantum}, volume = {4}, doi = {10.22331/q-2020-04-20-255}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 31; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Ł. Rudnicki, L. L. Sánchez-Soto, G. Leuchs, and R. W. Boyd. Fundamental quantum limits in ellipsometry. Optics Letters, 45(16):4607 – 4610, 2020. doi:10.1364/OL.392955
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Rudnicki20204607, author = {Rudnicki, Ł. and Sánchez-Soto, L.L. and Leuchs, G. and Boyd, R.W.}, title ="{Fundamental quantum limits in ellipsometry}", year = {2020}, journal = {Optics Letters}, volume = {45}, number = {16}, pages = {4607 – 4610}, doi = {10.1364/OL.392955}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 9; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
- Tomasz Linowski, Grzegorz Rajchel-Mieldzioć, and Karol Zyczkowski. Entangling power of multipartite unitary gates. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53(12), 2020. doi:10.1088/1751-8121/ab749a
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Linowski2020aa, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Rajchel-Mieldzioć, Grzegorz and Zyczkowski, Karol}, title ="{Entangling power of multipartite unitary gates}", year = {2020}, journal = {Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical}, volume = {53}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1088/1751-8121/ab749a}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 5; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access} }
- Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Rafael Rabelo, Łukasz Rudnicki, Rafael Chaves, Daniel Cavalcanti, Miguel Navascués, and Antonio Acín. Bounding the Sets of Classical and Quantum Correlations in Networks. Physical Review Letters, 123(14), 2019. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.140503
[BibTeX]@ARTICLE{Pozas-Kerstjens2019, author = {Pozas-Kerstjens, Alejandro and Rabelo, Rafael and Rudnicki, Łukasz and Chaves, Rafael and Cavalcanti, Daniel and Navascués, Miguel and Acín, Antonio}, title ="{Bounding the Sets of Classical and Quantum Correlations in Networks}", year = {2019}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = {123}, number = {14}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.140503}, OTurl = {}, type = {Article}, publication_stage = {Final}, source = {Scopus}, OPTnote = {Cited by: 32; All Open Access, Green Open Access} }
arXiv preprints
- Fattah Sakuldee and Behnam Tonekaboni. Noise Decoupling for State Transfer in Continuous Variable Systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.02059, 2023.
[BibTeX]@article{Sakuldee2023noise-decoupling, title={Noise Decoupling for State Transfer in Continuous Variable Systems}, author={Fattah Sakuldee and Behnam Tonekaboni}, year={2023}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.02059} }
- Łukasz Rudnicki, Waldemar Kłobus, Otavio A. D. Molitor, and Wiesław Laskowski. Salient signatures of entanglement in the surrounding environment. 2022. doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2209.05197
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]@misc{, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2209.05197}, url = {}, author = {Rudnicki, Łukasz and Kłobus, Waldemar and Molitor, Otavio A. D. and Laskowski, Wiesław}, keywords = {Quantum Physics (quant-ph), FOS: Physical sciences, FOS: Physical sciences}, title = {Salient signatures of entanglement in the surrounding environment}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2022}, }
- Tomasz Linowski, Alexander Teretenkov, and Łukasz Rudnicki. Dissipative evolution of quantum Gaussian states. arXiv e-prints, pages arXiv:2105.12644, 2022.
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The covariance matrix contains the complete information about the second-order expectation values of the mode quadratures (position and momentum operators) of the system. Due to its prominence in studies of continuous variable systems, most significantly Gaussian states, special emphasis is put on time evolution models that result in self-contained equations for the covariance matrix. So far, despite not being explicitly implied by this requirement, virtually all such models assume a so- called quadratic, or second-order case, in which the generator of the evolution is at most second-order in the mode quadratures. Here, we provide an explicit model of covariance matrix evolution of infinite order. Furthermore, we derive the solution, including stationary states, for a large subclass of proposed evolutions. Our findings challenge the contemporary understanding of covariance matrix dynamics and may give rise to new methods and improvements in quantum technologies employing continuous variable systems.
@Article{Linowski2021a, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Teretenkov, Alexander and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, journal = {arXiv e-prints}, title = {Dissipative evolution of quantum Gaussian states}, year = {2022}, pages = {arXiv:2105.12644}, abstract = {The covariance matrix contains the complete information about the second-order expectation values of the mode quadratures (position and momentum operators) of the system. Due to its prominence in studies of continuous variable systems, most significantly Gaussian states, special emphasis is put on time evolution models that result in self-contained equations for the covariance matrix. So far, despite not being explicitly implied by this requirement, virtually all such models assume a so- called quadratic, or second-order case, in which the generator of the evolution is at most second-order in the mode quadratures. Here, we provide an explicit model of covariance matrix evolution of infinite order. Furthermore, we derive the solution, including stationary states, for a large subclass of proposed evolutions. Our findings challenge the contemporary understanding of covariance matrix dynamics and may give rise to new methods and improvements in quantum technologies employing continuous variable systems.}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eid = {arXiv:2105.12644}, eprint = {2105.12644}, keywords = {Quantum {P}hysics}, primaryclass = {quant-ph}, url = {}, }
- Tomasz Linowski, Konrad Schlichtholz, and Łukasz Rudnicki. A formal relation between Pegg-Barnett and Paul quantum phase frameworks. arXiv e-prints, pages arXiv.2205.09481, may 2022.
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The problem of defining a Hermitian quantum phase operator is nearly as old as quantum mechanics itself. Throughout the years, a number of solutions was proposed, ranging from abstract operator formalisms to phase-space methods. In this work, we connect two of the most prominent approaches: Pegg-Barnett and Paul formalisms, by proving that the Paul formalism is equivalent to the Pegg-Barnett formalism applied to an infinitely amplified state. Our findings fill in a conceptual gap in the understanding of the quantum phase problem.
@Article{Linowski2022, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Schlichtholz, Konrad and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, journal = {arXiv e-prints}, title = {A formal relation between Pegg-Barnett and Paul quantum phase frameworks}, year = {2022}, month = may, pages = {arXiv.2205.09481}, abstract = {The problem of defining a Hermitian quantum phase operator is nearly as old as quantum mechanics itself. Throughout the years, a number of solutions was proposed, ranging from abstract operator formalisms to phase-space methods. In this work, we connect two of the most prominent approaches: Pegg-Barnett and Paul formalisms, by proving that the Paul formalism is equivalent to the Pegg-Barnett formalism applied to an infinitely amplified state. Our findings fill in a conceptual gap in the understanding of the quantum phase problem.}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eid = {arXiv.2205.09481}, eprint = {2205.09481}, keywords = {Quantum Physics, Physical sciences}, primaryclass = {quant-ph}, url = {}, }
- Lucas Chibebe Céleri and Łukasz Rudnicki. Gauge invariant quantum thermodynamics: consequences for the first law. arXiv e-prints, pages arXiv:2104.10153, apr 2021.
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Universality of classical thermodynamics rests on the central limit theorem, due to which, measurements of thermal fluctuations are unable to reveal detailed information regarding the microscopic structure of a macroscopic body. When small systems are considered and fluctuations become important, thermodynamic quantities can be understood in the context of classical stochastic mechanics. A fundamental assumption behind thermodynamics is therefore that of coarse-graning, which stems from a substantial lack of control over all degrees of freedom. However, when quantum systems are concerned, one claims a high level of control. As a consequence, information theory plays a major role in the identification of thermodynamic functions. Here, drawing from the concept of gauge symmetry, essential in all modern physical theories, we put forward a new possible, intermediate route. Working within the realm of quantum thermodynamics we explicitly construct physically motivated gauge transformations which encode a gentle variant of coarse- graining behind thermodynamics. As a consequence, we reinterpret quantum work and heat, as well as the role of quantum coherence.
@Article{ChibebeCeleri2021, author = {Chibebe Céleri, Lucas and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, journal = {arXiv e-prints}, title = {Gauge invariant quantum thermodynamics: consequences for the first law}, year = {2021}, month = apr, pages = {arXiv:2104.10153}, abstract = {Universality of classical thermodynamics rests on the central limit theorem, due to which, measurements of thermal fluctuations are unable to reveal detailed information regarding the microscopic structure of a macroscopic body. When small systems are considered and fluctuations become important, thermodynamic quantities can be understood in the context of classical stochastic mechanics. A fundamental assumption behind thermodynamics is therefore that of coarse-graning, which stems from a substantial lack of control over all degrees of freedom. However, when quantum systems are concerned, one claims a high level of control. As a consequence, information theory plays a major role in the identification of thermodynamic functions. Here, drawing from the concept of gauge symmetry, essential in all modern physical theories, we put forward a new possible, intermediate route. Working within the realm of quantum thermodynamics we explicitly construct physically motivated gauge transformations which encode a gentle variant of coarse- graining behind thermodynamics. As a consequence, we reinterpret quantum work and heat, as well as the role of quantum coherence.}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eid = {arXiv:2104.10153}, eprint = {2104.10153}, keywords = {Quantum Physics}, primaryclass = {quant-ph}, url = {}, }
- Tomasz Linowski and Łukasz Rudnicki. Reduced state of the field and classicality of quantum Gaussian evolution. arXiv e-prints, pages arXiv:2107.03196, jul 2021.
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
We discuss compatibility between various quantum aspects of bosonic fields, relevant for quantum optics and quantum thermodynamics, and the mesoscopic formalism of reduced state of the field (RSF). In particular, we derive exact conditions under which Gaussian and Bogoliubov-type evolutions can be cast into the RSF framework. In that regard, special emphasis is put on Gaussian thermal operations. To strengthen the link between the RSF formalism and the notion of classicality for bosonic quantum fields, we prove that RSF contains no information about entanglement in two-mode Gaussian states. For the same purpose, we show that the entropic characterisation of RSF by means of the von Neumann entropy is qualitatively the same as its description based on the Wehrl entropy. Our findings help bridge the conceptual gap between quantum and classical mechanics.
@Article{Linowski2021, author = {Linowski, Tomasz and Rudnicki, Łukasz}, journal = {arXiv e-prints}, title = {Reduced state of the field and classicality of quantum Gaussian evolution}, year = {2021}, month = jul, pages = {arXiv:2107.03196}, abstract = {We discuss compatibility between various quantum aspects of bosonic fields, relevant for quantum optics and quantum thermodynamics, and the mesoscopic formalism of reduced state of the field (RSF). In particular, we derive exact conditions under which Gaussian and Bogoliubov-type evolutions can be cast into the RSF framework. In that regard, special emphasis is put on Gaussian thermal operations. To strengthen the link between the RSF formalism and the notion of classicality for bosonic quantum fields, we prove that RSF contains no information about entanglement in two-mode Gaussian states. For the same purpose, we show that the entropic characterisation of RSF by means of the von Neumann entropy is qualitatively the same as its description based on the Wehrl entropy. Our findings help bridge the conceptual gap between quantum and classical mechanics.}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eid = {arXiv:2107.03196}, eprint = {2107.03196}, keywords = {Quantum Physics}, primaryclass = {quant-ph}, url = {}, }